AMD 100-000000886 Ryzen Threadripper PRO 7955WX 4.50GHz 16-Core Processor With 16C/32T - PRO 7000 WX-Series
Zen 4 Microarchitecture: Up to 14% higher IPC than Zen 3
Higher core density for better performance and power efficiency
Enhanced efficiency for improved multitasking and high-performance computing
Scalable multi-die design for flexible core counts and massive performance gains
AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 7955WX Processor With Clock Speed of 4.50GHz. Features 16-Core With 32 Threads, CPU Socket: sTR5, 64MB L3 Cache, Built on The TSMC 5nm FinFET Architecture, Performance At 350W, For UP systems only, Ryzen Threadripper 7000 Series, OEM, Tray